A song about crossing the river
A journey across the river of wisdom
一首渡河的歌 一個渡河的故事
25 November 2023 – Berlin, Germany
一個渡河的故事 繼續來到第二站德國柏林 蕭瑟的冬天掩蓋不了內心的雀躍與歡喜 在德國西門子可持續發展部門領導人Mr. Sven Johannessen及媒體自由撰稿記者Mr.Kai Schaechtele 分享幸福分享探索更新人類文明中開啟全球幸福組織歐洲聯盟。
A journey across the river of wisdom continues to the second station in Berlin, Germany. The bleak winter cannot conceal the joy and excitement in the heart. At Siemens’ Sustainable Development Department in Germany, chaired by Mr. Sven Johannessen, and freelance journalist Mr. Kai Schaechtele shared happiness, exploring the renewal of human civilization, and opening up the European Global Happiness Alliance.