A song about crossing the river
A journey across the river of wisdom
一首渡河的歌 一個渡河的故事
19 November 2023 Inverness, Scotland
推動歐洲全球幸福組織聯盟首站在SHIMCA 蘇格蘭高地與𡷊嶼及默里華人協會19週年大會中開展。當地華人熱情互動,會中並與Inverness 副市长 Jackie Hendry 交流。誠信社會企業家協會两位代表出席: 馬來西亞主席周永堅先生及新加坡副主席呂幗群女士。
The European Global Happiness Alliance launched its first station at the 19th anniversary conference of the Scottish Highlands & Islands and Moray Chinese Association (SHIMCA). Local Chinese people interacted warmly, and during the conference, they exchanged views with Jackie Hendry, Deputy Mayor of Inverness. Social Entrepreneurs with Integrity Association (SEIA)was represented by two delegates: Mr. Chew Eng Kian, President of SEIA Malaysia, and Mdm Lui Kok Kuan, Vice President from Singapore.