The Shifu College Project in Paro, Bhutan aims to become the focal point to advance world happiness through education, dialogues and cultural exchanges across the myriad civilizations, cultural, spiritual and religious groups in the world. The project is the fruit of collaborations between SEIA and Eutok Goemba Monastery of Bhutan. The project had received strong support from the Queen Mother of Bhutan and HRH Princess Pem Pem Wang Chuck officiated the groundbreaking ceremony as a representative of the Queen Mother on October 4th, 2017.
After the groundbreaking ceremony, the Queen Mother hosted a tea at Uygen Pelri Palace in Paro for the delegates from SEIA to discuss and get updated on the project.
施福幸福學院是 SEIA 和不丹 Eutok Goemba 寺院的合作項目,旨在建立一所教育學院 為促進世界幸福以及全球宗教領袖和精神領袖之間的對話和文化交流。2017 年 10 月 4 日,施福幸福學院舉辦動土儀式,不丹太皇太后委派不丹公主 HRH Pem Wangchuck 主持動土儀式。活動結束後,受到不丹太皇太后的邀請到不丹皇宮 Ugyen Pelri Palace in Paro 接見林增榮與 SEIA 團隊,彙報建造施福幸福學院的進展。