Meeting Hans Bywall, CEO of DALA ENERGI

會見 DALA ENERGI 首席執行官 Hans Bywall

DALA ENERGI, Övermovägen 15, 793 35 Leksand, Sverige | 雷克桑德,瑞典

The delegates from SEIA and Beijing International Exchange Association Sustainable Development Committeemet with Mr. Hans Bywall, CEO of DALA ENERGI for research, and visit to their bio-fuel based heating & electricity production and distribution system in Leksand, Sweden.

DALA ENERGI provides district heating and electricity to industrial buildings, apartment buildings, administration buildings, schools and cottages in Leksand and Insjön. The heat and electricity generated from their system is produced by the biomass collected from Dalarna forest, in the form of chips recycled from sawmills and forest residues during harvesting.

Mr. Hans Bywall emphasized that the vision of DALA ENERGI is to provide convenient, sustainable and affordable electricity and heat to the local community.

DALA ENERGI is also currently working on developing electricity network, infrastructure and facilities for electric vehicles in the region.

來自 SEIA 和 BIEASDC 代表與 DALA ENERGI 首席執行官 Hans Bywall 先生會面,並參觀在瑞典 Leksand 的生物燃料供熱和電力生產和分配系統。
DALA ENERGI 為 Leksand 和 Insjön 的工業建築,公寓樓,行政大樓,學校和小屋提供區域供暖和供電。其系統產生的熱量和電力來自 Dalarna 森林采集的生物質,採集的是 從鋸木廠和森林殘留物中回收的木屑。

Hans Bywall 先生強調,DALA ENERGI 的願景是為當地社區提供方便,可持續和負擔得 起的電力和熱能。
DALA ENERGI 目前還在為該地區的電動汽車開發電網,基礎設施和設施。