Social Entrepreneurs with Integrity Association (SEIA) ,together with Penang State Minister of Environment and legislators of Penang State made an official visit to Eden Project, Cornwall, UK for an in-depth interview with Tim Smit, founder and CEO of Eden Project. There are plans to integrate the concept and structure of Eden Project into South East Asia.
The Eden Project was constructed in a 160-year-old exhausted china clay quarry at Bodelva, near St. Austell, in Cornwall. It was established as one of the Landmark Millennium Projects to mark the year 2000 in the UK, opening to the public in March 2001. The Eden Project aims to promote the understanding and responsible management of the vital relationship between plants, people and resources, leading to a sustainable future for all.
檳城州副州長,環境部長等與新加坡, 馬來西亞誠信社會企業家聯誼會成員行伊甸生態園實訪記。
伊甸園環保溫室公園原先是一個廢棄的陶土採石場,蒂姆•施密特 (Tim Smit) 與他的團隊經過 10 年時間將其改造成世界上規模最大的環保溫室公園。伊甸園擁有世界上最大的溫室,種植多達 100 萬種植物,現為英國第四大生態旅游景點,已吸引 1300 萬世界各地的游客,消費額超過10 億英鎊,有效帶動了當地經濟的快速發展。不論是從伊甸園本身的建筑設計、建筑材料還是作為環境教育基地的意義,伊甸園項目在綠色建筑和生態保護領域都具有不可替代的地位。