As the Chinese saying goes, “Ten minutes of glory on stage takes ten years of hardwork”. To conmemorate the efforts & accomplishments of SEIA since 2011, the committee members of SEIA personally directed and performed in a “50’s – 90’s” themed musical play to express their love & gratitude towards their friends, families & everyone in the community who has selflessly supported and contributed to the endeavors in promoting a harmonious, compassionate & sustainable society. Guests who attended the play includes Prof. W Brian Arthur (Senior Advisor to the president of NTU), Dr. Guo Bisong (Director of Shen Foundation), Mr. Lim Kay Hiong (Former President of NAFA Alumni Association), Dr. Loretta Chen (Curator & presenter of the Art of Lush on 99.5FM) and fellow entrepreneurs and community members in Singapore.
Mdm. Shirley Wee, President of SEIA officially announced Dr. Loretta Chen as the Public Service Ambassador of 2015.
正如中國諺語所說,“十分鐘的舞台輝煌需要十年的努力”。為了紀念 2011 年以來 SEIA 的努力和成就,委員會成員親自指導和表演了一場“50-90”主題音樂劇,表達了他們對社區中無私支持的朋友,家人和每個人的愛和感激之情並致力於促進和諧,富有同情心和可持續發展的社會。參加此次演出的嘉賓包括 N Brian Prof 教授(NTU 校長高 級顧問),郭碧松博士(沉基金會主任),林家雄先生 (NAFA 校友會前任主 席),Loretta Chen 博士(99.5FM 的 Lush 藝術策展人和主持人)以及新加坡的企業家和社區成員。
SEIA 會長黃麗容正式宣布 Loretta Chen 博士為 2015 年公共服務大使。