SEIA (Malaysia) donated ETL No.9 to Penang for post-flood environmental purification

SEIA 向檳城捐贈 ETL No.9 用於洪水後環境淨化

Penang, Malaysia | 檳城,馬來西亞

In response to the call of YB Phee Boon Poh (Penang State Exco for Environment, Welfare, and Caring Society) for rebuilding environmental health, in Nov 2017, SEIA donated 150 cartons of ETL No. 9 and 10 power sprayers to Penang State Government for the post-flood environment cleaning and purification purpose.

誠信社會企業家協會響應馬來西亞檳城州政府及福利、愛心社會與環境部部長 YB 彭文寶先生的號召共同為環境重建而努力,SEIA 捐贈了 4L 外星之光 ETL No:9 共 150 箱 及 10 台噴霧機給檳城州政府,提供協助洪水後的災區,改善環境衛生及環境淨化。