Registered as Pertubuhan Usahawan Sosial Berintegriti Malaysia under the Malaysia Societies Act 1966, the first committee meeting of SEIA Malaysia was held officially on 28th May. The meeting was attended by the committee members and new members with the presence of SEIA Founder, Master Lin Tseng Jung. Matters discussed during this meeting included the Bhutan Eutok Goemba GTL World Buddhist Institution project, the progress of ETL Toxin Free Campus project in Penang and preparation for 2017 Penang Hanwang Belt and Road International Forum.
馬來西亞誠信社會企業家聯誼會依馬來西亞國家社團法令規定并于 2017年5月28日 召開首次會議。出席會議者包括委員、新會員及誠信社會企業家聯誼會發起人林增榮老師。本次會議討論事項包括不丹 Eutok Goemba x GTL World 佛學院項目,外星之光生態無毒校園項目進展及 2017檳城漢旺一帶一路國際論壇籌備工作。