On December 1, 2013, in the “Second International Forum on the Inheritance of Private Enterprises and China’s Influence” jointly organized by People’s Daily “Global People” magazine and Peking University HSBC Business School, a group representing the Singapore SEIA got to know Nepalese princess Roshana Lama in the forum, and facilitated activities such as visiting Nepal and charity exchanges in April this year.
On April 17, SEIA visited Mahendra Boudha Higher Secondary School, a school located in Boudha District, a world heritage area in Nepal. At that time, this group of entrepreneurs visited the construction of the school campus under the leadership of the school principal. The buildings on the campus are very simple. The sanitary conditions are insufficient and there seems to be a lack of educational materials and other equipment. During the sharing process, the principal revealed that “the school does not have any educational aids or external resources; therefore, it can only operate with old-fashioned teaching methods. Nearly 30%-35% of students give up their studies due to school environmental factors and poor families.
在2013年12月1日由人民日报《环球人物》杂志社和北京大学汇丰商学院联合举办的“民企传承与中国影响力第二届国际论坛”中,代表新加坡誠信社會企業家聯誼會的一群企業家在論壇中认识了尼泊爾公主,Roshana Lama,並促成了今年4月到尼泊爾拜訪及慈善交流等活動。
新加坡誠信社會企業家聯誼會在4月17日拜訪了位於尼泊爾世界遗产區博达哈區的一所學校 Mahendra Boudha Higher Secondary School。当时,這群企業家在學校校長的帶領下参观了學校校园的建設與環境。校園的建築很簡陋,衛生條件不足也似乎缺乏教育教材等設備。校長在分享的過程中透露“学校没有任何教育辅助也没有对外资源;因此只能用旧式的教学方法运作。将近30%-35% 的学生因为学校环境因素及家境贫穷而放弃学业。也有許多貧困孩子因缺乏校服文具書包而感到自卑因此放棄就學。”在場的所有人從校長的分享中感受到了他的憂鬱與無奈。也因為感受到校長老師对学生们的爱與付出;也儘管學校環境多麼恶劣;學生還是一樣坚持到学校上课,這份吃苦耐劳及倔强的學習精神感动及启发了在場所有人内在的慈悲心。
Chiniya Lama Boudha Foundation (CLBF)
Ms. Roshana Lama 與尼泊爾公主合作
Mahendra Boudha Higher Secondary School 学校重建計畫以及
Conflict Victim & Disable Society – Nepal 孤儿院認養活動