Shi Fu Institute Committee Meeting in Bangkok


Bangkok, Thailand | 泰国 曼谷

The project committee meeting was held in Bangkok  on 5 January 2020. The contractor updated us on the status of the first phase construction of Shi Fu Institute. The Committee then next discussed the contract for the construction of second building. The second phase contract was signed with the current contractor with witnesses from Bhutan and Singapore.

項目委員會會議於 2020 年 1 月 5 日在曼谷舉行。承包商向我們介紹了學院一期建設的最新情況。 同時委員會討論了建造第二座大樓的合同。 第二階段合同是在不丹和新加坡的委員會見證下與現任承包商簽訂的。