On May 10th-12th, the 2nd Hanwang Forum was successfully held in the international conference center of Mianzhu, Deyang. A number of experts, scholars and delegates of government and enterprises from both home and abroad gathered together to conduct in-depth exchange and discussion: the status and role that medical rescue plays in disaster relief; disaster risk assessment; the response to urban sudden disasters & the normalization and standardization of emergency industry; the role and function that NGO plays in disaster prevention & relief; post-disaster urban economic transformation and sustainable development; and the development and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.
以“防災救災、災后重建與城鎮化轉型”和“全球合作”為主題的第二屆漢旺論壇11日在四川綿竹開幕,為期兩天。學者、專家將圍繞論壇主題,對“醫學救援在救災中的地位和作用、災害風險評估、城鎮突發災害的應對及應急產業規范化標准化、NGO 在防災救災中的角色和作用、災后城鎮化經濟轉型與可持續發展、非物質文化遺產發展與繼承”等六大議題展開討論。
塞內加爾農業、能源與環境部部長阿羅納·庫姆巴·恩多費尼·迪烏夫在致辭時表示,地震發生后不僅要考慮到救災的問題,還有飢餓、水污染等,“我們做好民眾災害防御教育的工作,在危機發生時就不會那麼恐慌”。瑞士 Pathway 國際組織會長勞倫斯·布魯姆則希望通過論壇六大議題的討論,能為地震災后重建提供更多的參考意見,“比如蘆山震區仍處於地質活躍的狀態,我們要做好准備。”勞倫斯·布魯姆說。