Mr.Chencho Tshering, Director of Bhutan Kuenphen Rabten Resort delivered the ETL No.9 All Purpose Green Cleaning Formula Organic Sanitizers and Masks (aid support package for pandemic prevention) to Dr.Lotay Tshering, Prime Minister Bhutan.The aid support package from ETL No.9 (sponsored by GTL World) has been successfully delivered to the Prime Minister Office in Bhutan on 16 March 2020
Bhutan Kuenphen Rabten Resort 董事Mr. Chencho Tshering 代表 GTLWORLD (Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong) 向不丹總理 Dr.Lotay Tshering 提供了外星之光 ETL No.9 全方位環保有機清潔液和口罩協助防範於不丹疫情使用。外星之光 ETL No.9 (GTL World贊助) 提供的援助包已於 2020年3月16日成功交付給不丹總理府。