In December 2010, the New Blue Earth Roundtable hosted a two-day conference in Geneva on the theme of ‘Co-creating an Ethical Planetary Civilization and Governance’. An international group of 60 people was invited to Geneva for two days to discuss how, by aligning and working with China, the world society could avoid the suicidal trajectory upon which it was traveling. The meeting created a profound feeling of camaraderie, collaboration, and potential amongst the group and we called ourselves the ‘Global Commoners’. A pallet of sustainable projects and initiatives were discussed, from the capacity building using new techniques, to create breakthrough technologies in energy and water purification, health and education for the rural poor, peacebuilding and conflict resolution, eco-communities, new economics, and disaster relief being amongst them. Many of the group of ‘Global Commoners’ are acknowledged as world experts in their field, and the dialogue was remarkable for its inspirational creativity and the opportunity it is providing for paradigm shift discussions with China.
After the Conference, the ‘Global Commoners’ expressed their wish that the management of the New Blue Earth Roundtable would explore ways to share and implement the results of the Geneva Group’s knowledge with China to support a more harmonious societal outcome for China and global society generally.
2010 年 12 月,新藍地球圓桌會議在日內瓦舉辦了兩天的會議,主題是“共同創造 一個道德的新文明和治理”。一個由 60 人組成的國際組織被邀請到日內瓦進行為期兩天的會議,討論如何通過與中國的協調和合作,使世界社會能夠避免相互破壞。會議 在團隊中形成了深刻的友情,合作和潛力,我們稱自己為“全球通勤者”。 並討論了一系列可持續項目和倡議,從使用新技術的能力建設,到能源和水淨化的創新 突破性技術,農村貧困人口的健康和教育,和平建設和解決衝突,生態社區新經濟和 救災。 會議結束後,“全球通勤者”表達了他們的願望,即新藍地圓桌會議的管理層將探討如 何分享和落實日內瓦會議與中國的共識結果,以支持中國和全球社會更為和諧的社會成果。