Visitation From Deputy Of Education To Ecological Farm of SJK (C) YuHua Kajang


Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

The Deputy of Education Department with 120 officials and school teachers visited SJK (C) Yuhua Kajang.  Principal Mr.Wong took the guests to visit the campus and the ecological small farm on “environmental protection education”.

The Deputy knew that there was a paddy field on the campus in the city. He was curious and therefore, Principal Mr.Wong reported on the planting process. The organic farm is the result of everyone’s love. The ETL on the farm has changed the pH value of the soil. The soil is now in a neutral stage, and vegetables and rice fields are healthy providing an environment to grow.  The school also gives students an understanding of the importance of the environment, soil, water and air through teaching methods.  The environment and classrooms of the whole school do not use chemicals, but use the organic natural ingredients of ETL to purify the air and maintain environmental hygiene.

The Deputy experienced the process of harvesting, threshing and husking rice. Sharing joy was like returning to childhood. It was a creative learning opportunity for students.  EK Chew on ​​behalf of Singapore & Malaysia GTL World, presented a bottle of ETL to the Deputy Director.

烏魯冷岳縣教育局副局長與 120 位官員及其他學校老師到訪育華小學。黃西利校長帶著嘉賓參觀校園及環保教育基地之生態小農場。

副教育局長知道城市裡的校園有一片稻田,產生好奇。黃校長彙報種植過程,有機農場是大家用愛一起付出的成果,農場以外星之光改變土壤的 pH 酸鹼值,土壤現處於中性階段,蔬菜與稻田在健康的環境成長。校方也通過教學方式給予學生瞭解環境、土壤、水源與空氣的重要性。全校的環境與課堂,不使用化學,都以外星之光有機天然成分進行淨化空氣與環境衛生的維護。


EK Chew代表星加坡及馬來西亞 GTL World 贈送一瓶外星之光給副教育局長結緣。